We catch up with Lucy Elliott our first Pickleball Complete sponsored player. In this Q&A we ask Lucy how she got involved with the sport, how her Table Tennis experience has helped, what her goals are and finally, the million dollar question – which is her favourite Table Tennis or Pickleball!?

Where did you first experience pickleball?
At Drumchapel Sports Centre, there were a few people playing when I was there for a Table Tennis (TT) training session and was encouraged to have a shot at pickleball.
Were you hooked immediately?
Yes. When I watched it I thought this game doesn’t look great but once I picked up a paddle and had a go for myself I realised how wrong I was. I’ve been hooked ever since!
Did you pick it up quickly due to your table tennis abilities, do any of the skills cross over?
I would say I picked it up pretty quick due to having a background of TT. The fast hands from table tennis transfer across well especially at the net, even when it’s fast it still seems slower than TT. The bigger ball/paddle also helps.
What are the main differences and what did you find hardest to master?
The main differences to me are the size of the court and the ball/paddle and how different the spin is in comparison to TT as obviously there is no rubber to generate the extra spin. The thing I found hardest was playing the soft/slow game.
How often do you play, where do you play and do you prefer singles or doubles?
I try to play 2/3 times a week, sometimes more. I play in Glasgow and Ayrshire. I do enjoy singles but I definitely prefer the doubles game.
Have you got any events coming up and what are your goals for these?
I have the Dutch Open, Belgian Open & English Open. My goal is to medal at each competition in the ladies doubles event.
What qualities do you look for in a paddle, which one do you use and do you have a preferred ball and why?
I look for something that has a nice feeling when contacting with the ball as well as something comfortable to hold. I use the Joola Ben Johns Hyperion 16mm paddle.
My preferred ball is the Gamma Photon indoor ball, it is light but also quite hard and is durable compared to a lot of other indoor balls.
Do you still compete in table tennis and how to the events differ?
I do still compete in TT, not so much abroad but definitely in the UK. Depending on the type of competition but I’d say table tennis competitions to me are a lot more strict/serious whereas pickleball is also serious but fun/sociable.
Million dollar question – table tennis or pickleball.. how do you choose your favourite?
Very difficult question! The love I have for both sports is great.
Table tennis over the last 18 years has took me all over the world when I was growing up through juniors and even as a senior player. I got to experience a commonwealth games which was incredible. I’ve made some friendships that will last a lifetime
Pickleball is a new love for me, and given me something else to focus on and compete in which I love. Getting to travel with a group I love is fantastic and always a great experience.
But to answer the question… table tennis will always hold a special place in my heart so it’s got to be table tennis.
Lucy’s club, Drumchapel Glasgow, tried our demo Paddle set and found it really useful – here’s her feedback:
I recently ordered the Demo Paddle set which consisted of 10 paddles ranging from beginner to advanced, there is a varied range to choose from. It was great for the members of the Glasgow & Ayrshire clubs to be able to try a variation of paddles before committing to one. We had quite a few members buy paddles due to being able to try before you buy. It’s a great service start to finish with the postage included in the price.