Welcome to the East Kent Pickleball League
The past few years have seen huge growth in the number of Pickleball enthusiasts, not just in our area of Kent, but nationwide. Certainly, our clubs locally are full to bursting. Whilst everyone enjoys the friendly atmosphere and social play, we also noticed that there is a growing demand for friendly competition and the chance to play against players from other clubs in the area.
With the support of Pickleball Complete, we are pleased to announce a new event. The East Kent Pickleball League will offer competitive matches to teams from the area which we hope will also be a fun and sociable occasion. Whilst no doubt every point will be hard fought, the aim is to bring together players of all abilities for an enjoyable day of competitive Pickleball.
Split into 7 divisions based on ability, the first league is scheduled for February 10th 2024, and will take place at Canterbury Christchurch University sports hall. The second league will be at the same venue on April 13th 2024. If everyone enjoys it and there is demand, further dates will be arranged.
Have a look at the “rules and regulations” shown below but basically each team will consist of two men and two women of similar ability. There will be four teams in each division and the matches will consist of two gender doubles and two mixed doubles giving a total of 9 games during the day. The top divisions will be based on 4.0-4.5 rating, then 3.5, 3.0 and 2.5.
At the end of play, the winners from each division, except the Premier, will be promoted and the losers, except in the bottom division, will be relegated so that there will be the opportunity to play new opponents in the second event.
Lee Featherbe and Kevin Powell from Invicta club in Broadstairs and Lisa Evans and Julie Daly from Canterbury Area Pickleball (CAP) have joined Barry and Sue Chapman from Pickleball Complete as the organising committee. It is a new event, and we will no doubt learn as we go along, but our aim is simply to provide more opportunities for everyone to play the sport we all love.
Most teams will probably come from within a club but “nomads” are also welcome. Simply send your entry form to ekentpbl@gmail.com as soon as possible. We are restricted to a maximum of 28 teams so get you entry in soon to secure your place.
- Entry forms for the first event must be sent by e mail to ekpbl@gmail.com to arrive no later than Monday 15th January 2024.
- The entry form can be found online at www.pickleballcomplete.co.uk together with details of the competition and the aims of the organisers. Please e mail ekpbl@gmail.com if you need the entry form as a pdf.
- If it becomes necessary to restrict entries, priority will be given in order of receipt. Late entries will only be accepted after the closing date if numbers permit.
- Payment by bank transfer please to Bribar Sports Ltd Sort code 20 17 92 Account number 93327183. Payment must be received by 15th January 2024 to guarantee your place.
- Confirmation of entry will be e mailed to the team captain upon receipt of payment. No refunds or credits are possible after the closing date.
- There is no charge for admission and spectators are welcome, but seating is limited.
- There are vending machines on site for drinks and snacks. Changing rooms and toilets adjacent to the hall. There is limited onsite parking but free parking is available in Spring Lane and there are several local carparks but there is a charge.
- Each team will consist of 4 players. Divisions will be based upon players rating/standard 4.0/4+, 3.5, 3.0 and 2.5. In categories 4.0/4+ and 3.5 the team must consist of 2 men and 2 women. In 3.0 and 2.5 categories, ideally 2 men and 2 women, unless this is not possible due to a shortage of relevant gender players. The organisers may know of players looking for a team, so please ask in advance.
- Team captains to nominate pairings at time of entry. Substitutes will be permitted in the event of illness or injury, but they must be of the same rating/standard and in the top two categories, the same gender. We appreciate that there will be teams where a player of one gender is playing in the place of the opposite gender. If a player is nominated for example as a woman (for the purposes of pairings) they will remain as a nominated female throughout the competition. The same applies to women who are nominated as men.
- Onix Yellow Fuse G2 outdoor balls will be used. Please call a let if balls from another court enter your court.
- Play will take place on 7 courts, one for each division. The order of play will be shown on each court.
- Each match will consist of 2 gender doubles and 4 mixed doubles. Each player willtherefore play 3 games (one gender doubles and two mixed doubles) in each match giving a total of 9 games throughout the day. There will be three match sessions on each court throughout the day. Approximate start times for each match – 9.30am, 12 noon and 2.30pm. Players will be responsible for being at their court, ready for play, as soon as the previous match has finished.
- Games will be scored using the rally system up to 15 points. First team to 15 points is the winner subject to Freeze – see below for more details.
FREEZE – you must score your last point on serve.
WINNING TEAM FREEZE – If the team that is leading reaches 14 points they can only score when serving for the rest of the game. If the opponent serves, the team on freeze cannot score.
LOSING TEAM FREEZE – If the team that is behind then reaches 13 points, they also freeze and can only score while serving.
If the score is tied at 13-13 and then becomes 14-13 both teams freeze. The first team to achieve 15 points, scoring only on serve, wins.
Full details will be displayed on each court and the referee (Lee Featherbe) and organisers will be there to help if required. - In the event of a tie, points countback will be used.
- The winners of each division (except Premier) will be promoted for the next league competition. The 4th placed teams in each division (except division 7) will be relegated.
- Indoor court shoes must be worn. Please change from outdoor shoes into your indoor court shoes as soon as you enter the hall.
- The hall will be open for registration and knock up at 9.00am. Match play will commence at 9.30 am. Please keep knock ups to a minimum (2 mins max at start of match – not each game) as time will be tight. Social play will be allowed if courts are free but please be considerate to the those still playing matches on adjacent courts.
- Award ceremonies will take place at close of play.
- This is the first event so it will be a learning curve for everyone. Thanks for your understanding. The organisers’ decision is final.
The results will also be available online but please allow a few days for these to be processed.